Find Your Calling 
- What are you called to do with your life, professionally?
- What are the issues or subjects you care most about?
- What are your gifts and abilities?
- How can you contribute to bettering your life, your profession, your community, or your corner of the world?
- What does it mean to live well?
These are just some of the questions you’ll explore through Huntingdon’s Vocation and Calling emphasis in your core courses. Huntingdon College has a deep commitment to student success and to helping students develop a stronger sense of what they are called to do with their lives. Truly, the success of every student is the focus of everything we do. Beginning in the freshman year, Huntingdon’s core curriculum includes courses that engage students in the exploration of vocational calling and in the examination of ethical aspects of life after college.
Beginning Your Vocation Journey
Statistically, students who have a better sense of what they are called to do are more successful in college and in achieving planned outcomes after graduation. During your freshman year, your CALL 100 class will explore and help you develop the basic skills necessary to flourish in the college environment as you begin the process of vocational discernment.
Sophomore Year Is Calling!
During your sophomore year, you’ll take Introduction to Ethics and Vocation (CALL 200). The course includes a focused day of vocational and ethical exploration through local travel-study, focus group discussion, and on-campus activities. As you complete the Call 200 course, you will identify and work with a Sophomore Guide from among the faculty and staff (in addition to the faculty member leading the course), engaging in meaningful reflection on the possibilities for your life and career plans.
The Junior Year: Call 300
Your sophomore year will be followed by the junior-level course, CALL 300, Perspectives in Ethics and Vocation, further encouraging you along the pathway toward the goal of living well.
At Huntingdon, faculty and staff are committed to your success from the first year forward. We’ll not only help you ask the Big Questions, we’ll help you find your own answers.